About the Project

To promote the use of asset management and the development of asset management plans at the local level in Indiana, the Indiana LTAP contracted us to develop an Asset Management Guide for Local Agencies and to enhance the existing asset management training materials.
For phase 1 of the project, we first reviewed the existing asset management training materials and developed specific recommendations for workshop materials to foster more interaction during the workshops. We also developed a participant workbook, which included educational material, worksheets, and group activities.
During phase 2, we created a customized guidance document that introduces asset management and a five-step process for developing an asset management plan. The Guide focuses on building an asset inventory, rating asset conditions, using information to manage assets, developing a cost-effective program, and developing the plan. The Asset Management Guide for Local Agencies in Indiana was designed to be easy to read and incorporates graphics and call-out boxes to highlight important material.
Our work is being widely used by local agencies in Indiana to develop effective asset management plans and to train agency personnel.