North Dakota DOT Transportation Asset Management Plan
In 2021, the North Dakota DOT (NDDOT) contracted with Applied Pavement Technology, Inc. (APTech) to update and implement its federally compliant risk-based transportation asset management plan. The plan documents NDDOT’s practices and planned investments for managing the agency’s over 17,400 lane-miles of pavement and more than 2,300 highway bridges from 2022 through 2031. NDDOT was looking for a firm that could help them streamline their Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) and better connect it to its family of plans while identifying opportunities to improve asset management and capital programming processes. NDDOT is striving to develop an engaging and highly graphical TAMP that complies with Federal requirements in forty pages or less.
“NDDOT challenged us with creating a visually appealing TAMP that is less than half as long as most TAMPs. This caused us to rethink how the TAMP is organized and how required information is presented.”
— Brad Allen, P.E. • Project Manager
APTech is leading all aspects of the TAMP development, including the documentation of existing asset management processes, financial planning, life cycle planning, and risk analysis. In developing the TAMP, APTech conducted an innovative gap analysis based on future scenarios established in the NDDOT long range statewide transportation plan, Transportation Connection. These scenarios, titled Urban Centers, Rural Renaissance, Smart and Connected, and Ghost Towns, identified possible economic futures for the state. APTech developed a gap analysis that forecasted pavement and bridge conditions under each of these scenarios and compared those to forecasts based on each alternate scenario. The results are presented in the TAMP with a 2-page infographic.
As part of the TAMP update, APTech is supporting NDDOT with internal and external stakeholder outreach to map current program development processes. This involves engagement with a broad group of internal and external stakeholders including local Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Division partners early in the TAMP development process. APTech facilitated a series of workshops and interviews with stakeholders to develop detailed process maps and identified risks and inefficiencies in current processes. Working with NDDOT Asset Management staff, APTech developed recommendations for improvements to existing business processes that led to more effective long-term investment decisions for the NDDOT. Following certification of the TAMP, APTech will work with NDDOT to implement selected improvements.
The project demonstrates the team’s ability to develop implementation guidance to support the successful transition to a risk-based, strategic approach to managing transportation assets that leverages available tools and technology. The North Dakota TAMP update does not involve services related to transportation performance management (TPM)
Nevada Local Technical Assistance Program
In 2019, APTech was awarded a contract to administer the Nevada Local Technical Assistance Program (NVLTAP). The objective of the NVLTAP is to advance local agency transportation programs and practices on a fixed, 4-year budget of $300K through training, technical assistance, technology transfer, and workforce development services.
As the program’s administrator, APTech’s responsibilities include assessing needs, identifying equitable and accessible solutions, providing technical assistance services, monitoring program progress, reporting to the NVLTAP Advisory Board, and maintaining relationships with NVLTAP stakeholders. Technical assistance services have included creating a pavement management spreadsheet tool, safety grant application support, PASER condition survey demonstrations, pavement inventory development, and local road safety plan consulting.
APTech provides NVLTAP in-person and virtual technical training to develop an effective, efficient, and innovating workforce. Training topics include pavements, bridges, workplace and traffic safety, environment, civil rights, and foundational skills. APTech schedules forty-four instructor-led courses in the NVLTAP catalog and regularly creates new courses in response to local agency needs. To manage this large course catalogue, APTech created a learning management system for participants to register for courses, complete additional self-paced courses, and track their course completion and progress towards a Road Scholar Program completion.
APTech worked with the Nevada LTAP Advisory Board to plan, promote and hold the first Nevada Asphalt Conference on February 15-16, 2023. The conference exceeded expectations and connected 183 attendees with thirteen exhibitors and expertise from across the region.

Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Transportation Asset Management Plan
APTech was selected to develop the initial 2018 Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) for the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC). In 2021, KYTC modified its contract so that APTech could further assist with the development of the agency’s 2022 TAMP update. These TAMPs are required by the Federal Highway Administration and must be updated at least every four years.
Both TAMPs documented the Cabinet’s practices for managing the state-maintained pavements and bridges. Through the process of developing the TAMPs, APTech assisted the KYTC with the development of 10-year financial plans and investment strategies that considered both risks and life cycle plan (LCP) strategies. The 2022 TAMP update incorporated KYTC’s efforts to build a resilient transportation system into its investment strategies.
The KYTC TAMP reflects the agency’s strong commitment to optimized preservation strategies that keep assets in Good condition while those in Fair condition are either improved or preserved so they do not drop into a Poor condition. While this investment strategy makes the most of available funding, the KYTC TAMP demonstrates the need for additional funding to achieve its desired state of good repair. Each TAMP serves as effective communication tool by documenting the level of funding needed and forecasting expected condition gaps if the additional funding is not obtained.
To support the implementation of asset management throughout the Cabinet, APTech provided a roadmap that outlined suggested technical, organizational, workforce development, and policy initiatives in 2018. The APTech team also facilitated a workshop for executive leadership to promote a sustainable, asset management program.

Mississippi DOT Pavement Management Manual and Data Quality Plan
The Mississippi DOT selected APTech to update the existing pavement management process documentation, develop a Quality Management Plan (QMP) for pavement management data collection activities, and provide recommendations for improving quality checks on pavement condition data collected by vendors.
Our work:
Reviewed the Department's existing pavement management policies and interviewing staff members.
Conducted a thorough literature review of QMPs from other agencies to develop a comprehensive Pavement Management Manual.
Developed a QMP to guide the collection of pavement condition data using both automated and manual techniques and to satisfy the requirements under the MAP-21 Act for data quality.
Developed a Technical Brief to summarize the content found in the Pavement Management Manual and the QMP as part of the Department's outreach opportunities.

Nevada DOT Transportation Asset Management Plan
In 2012, federal highway legislation commonly known as the “Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act,” or MAP-21, was enacted to provide funding for transportation programs and establish a performance-based Federal highway program. The legislation included a requirement for States to develop “a risk-based asset management plan for the National Highway System to improve or preserve the condition of the assets and the performance of the system.” The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) set out to develop a transportation asset management plan (TAMP) that both meets the MAP-21 requirements and establishes a framework for developing future plans. To accomplish this goal, the Nevada DOT selected us to develop a long-term, risk-based TAMP.
Our work included:
Evaluating the data availability and maturity for twenty-five different transportation assets managed by the Nevada DOT.
Conducting interviews with agency personnel and analyzed the resulting data with respect to its contribution to developing the TAMP.
Developing a rating process to consider factors such as the availability of inventory information, the existence of performance targets, the availability of deterioration rates, and the sophistication of financial analysis tool. The ratings were used to assign an overall level of maturity to each asset type.
Establishing a prioritization process to develop recommendations for which assets to include in the initial TAMP.
Developing a TAMP that includes pavement, bridge, and ITS assets.
The TAMP was designed to summarize inventory and condition information, to establish performance targets to be met, and to develop investment strategies that demonstrate a data-driven, cost-effective approach to maintaining and preserving transportation assets for 10 years. In addition, the steps involved in developing the TAMP were documented so they will serve as a resource for future updates to the TAMP.

Indiana Local Technical Assistance Program TAM Training
To promote the use of asset management and the development of asset management plans at the local level in Indiana, the Indiana LTAP contracted us to develop an Asset Management Guide for Local Agencies and to enhance the existing asset management training materials.
For phase 1 of the project, we first reviewed the existing asset management training materials and developed specific recommendations for workshop materials to foster more interaction during the workshops. We also developed a participant workbook, which included educational material, worksheets, and group activities.
During phase 2, we created a customized guidance document that introduces asset management and a five-step process for developing an asset management plan. The Guide focuses on building an asset inventory, rating asset conditions, using information to manage assets, developing a cost-effective program, and developing the plan. The Asset Management Guide for Local Agencies in Indiana was designed to be easy to read and incorporates graphics and call-out boxes to highlight important material.
Our work is being widely used by local agencies in Indiana to develop effective asset management plans and to train agency personnel.
Ohio DOT Longitudinal Joint Repair Best Practices
The Ohio DOT maintains 49,078 lane miles of highway, and has identified longitudinal joint failure of their asphalt pavements as a systemic weakness. To counter that, APTech worked with ODOT to develop guidance on how to choose the most appropriate longitudinal joint repair method and how to perform it effectively and at the optimum time to produce the greatest return-on-investment.
Our work included:
Evaluating the Ohio DOT’s current longitudinal joint repair processes.
Conducting a comprehensive study of longitudinal joint repair practices by other DOTs.
Modifying existing construction specifications and designer guidance.
Developing a guidance document to assist maintenance managers in making cost-effective repair decisions.
Developing a decision tree and treatment selection tool to be included in the Ohio DOT pavement management system.
Preparing a project report to summarize findings and provide recommendations.

Wisconsin DOT Non-Cementitious Repair Project
WisDOT’s high-priority roadways require repairs to be completed during off-peak hours with minimal lane closure durations (typically 6 to 8 hours for night-time closures). These short closure times severely limit the ability to use many conventional cementitious repair materials and methods on their concrete pavements. As a result, WisDOT has typically resorted to using asphalt concrete or rapid-setting cementitious materials for repairs of PCC pavements, neither of which has consistently resulted in durable or long-lasting repairs.
WisDOT selected Applied Pavement Technology, Inc. (APTech) to evaluate the laboratory and field performance of selected non-cementitious repair materials they have been using over the last few years and provide guidance on the selection and use of these materials for concrete pavement partial-depth repair applications.
Our work included:
Conducting field evaluations of selected non-cementitious repair materials to document prevailing condition of repair materials and surrounding concrete pavement.
Conducting coring and non-destructive testing to assess the bond condition between repair material and underlying concrete pavement.
Conducting laboratory testing to study bond and dimensional stability of repair materials at various temperatures.
Developing project report to assist WisDOT in improving policy and specifications related to non-cementitious repair materials.
View the project report here.

New York State DOT Transportation Asset Management Plan Update
May 2021, New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) selected APTech to update its risk-based transportation asset management plan (TAMP). The plan documents NYSDOT’s practices and planned investments for managing the agency’s over 38,000 lane-miles of pavement and nearly 19,000 highway bridges from 2022 through 2031. APTech is supporting all aspects of the TAMP, including technical expertise, coordination, documentation, and editorial and graphic design support.
NYSDOT’s TAMP also describes the practices and expected investments of the New York State Thruway Authority (Thru-way) as the entire New York Thruway is on the National Highway System. APTech coordinated between the two agencies to gather needed information from each and compile the TAMP. The resulting plan includes all NYSDOT and Thru-way managed pavements and bridges.

Alaska DOT&PF Transportation Asset Management Plan
In 2019, APTech assisted the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) in developing the agency’s fully compliant, risk-based transportation asset management plan (TAMP). Following up on this project, APTech was again chosen to update the agency’s TAMP in 2022. The plan documents DOT&PF’s practices and planned investments for managing the agency’s pavement and bridges on the National Highway System (NHS) from 2022 through 2031.
APTech led all aspects of the TAMP development, including updating the documentation of asset management processes, financial planning, and life cycle planning. Since implementing the previous TAMP, DOT&PF has embraced the spirit of the legislation by updating its asset management practices and implementing new pavement and bridge management systems that use the National Highway Performance Program metrics to inform investment decisions. APTech assisted the DOT&PF by using these new systems to update its TAMP, including significant support to refine the agency’s life-cycle planning analyses for bridges.
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), passed in November 2021, requires agencies to consider extreme weather and resilience in its life-cycle planning and risk analyses. Alaska’s extreme environment requires considerable focus on resilience in all aspects of asset management and engineering. The revised TAMP highlights the agency’s efforts to understand the conditions to which pavements and bridges will be exposed to construct infrastructure assets that can withstand Alaska’s harsh environment.