Nevada Local Technical Assistance Program
In 2019, APTech was awarded a contract to administer the Nevada Local Technical Assistance Program (NVLTAP). The objective of the NVLTAP is to advance local agency transportation programs and practices on a fixed, 4-year budget of $300K through training, technical assistance, technology transfer, and workforce development services.
As the program’s administrator, APTech’s responsibilities include assessing needs, identifying equitable and accessible solutions, providing technical assistance services, monitoring program progress, reporting to the NVLTAP Advisory Board, and maintaining relationships with NVLTAP stakeholders. Technical assistance services have included creating a pavement management spreadsheet tool, safety grant application support, PASER condition survey demonstrations, pavement inventory development, and local road safety plan consulting.
APTech provides NVLTAP in-person and virtual technical training to develop an effective, efficient, and innovating workforce. Training topics include pavements, bridges, workplace and traffic safety, environment, civil rights, and foundational skills. APTech schedules forty-four instructor-led courses in the NVLTAP catalog and regularly creates new courses in response to local agency needs. To manage this large course catalogue, APTech created a learning management system for participants to register for courses, complete additional self-paced courses, and track their course completion and progress towards a Road Scholar Program completion.
APTech worked with the Nevada LTAP Advisory Board to plan, promote and hold the first Nevada Asphalt Conference on February 15-16, 2023. The conference exceeded expectations and connected 183 attendees with thirteen exhibitors and expertise from across the region.

National Highway Institute Course 136106, Transportation Asset Management
To assist transportation agencies in recognizing how the framework and principles of transportation asset management relate to their business processes, the National Highway Institute (NHI) developed Course 136106A, An Introduction to Transportation Asset Management with Workshop. This course assists mid- to senior-level managers with the development and enhancement of their asset management program. The instructor-led portion of the course teaches participants the characteristics of asset management programs, a targeted workshop helps participants identify action items that can be taken to enhance the use of asset management principles, and several facilitated workshops provide opportunities for strengthening and enhancing the asset management activities currently in use.
In 2013, NHI began offering a second course in the series, Course 136106B, Development of a Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP). This course introduces the role of the TAMP as a planning, communication, and accountability tool and provides the information necessary for an agency to develop or enhance their TAMP. The course focuses on three primary TAMP components, including strategic performance measurement, risk assessment, and financial management. The course materials include templates and guidelines for use in developing a TAMP. In addition, there is a 1-hour self-study lesson that is completed prior to the instructor-led portion of the course.
The NHI selected Applied Pavement Technology, Inc. (APTech) to deliver both asset management courses due to APTech’s expertise in transportation asset management and its strong reputation as a leader in developing and delivering training materials that achieve course objectives. The APTech instructors consistently receive high ratings for the quality of instruction and have been awarded several Instructor of Excellence Awards from NHI.
PAVER Training
PAVER Pavement Management Software is widely used throughout the transportation industry, with major supporters including the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Army, the U.S. Navy, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). APTech provides PAVER training for clients wishing to better understand the features and functionality of the software. We customize our training to meet the needs of your agency by tailoring the material to participants such as executive staff, engineering, maintenance departments, and GIS specialists. By structuring the trainings to specific groups, we enable all levels within the agency to see the benefit that pavement management can add to the decision-making process.
We have conducted PAVER courses for clients across the nation and abroad. Past attendees include national and state agencies, commercial service airport staff, the FAA, the U.S. Government Accounting Office, and university graduate students. Our PAVER training is customized in a variety of formats, including on-site training and webinars. Training can occur over one or two days, depending on your needs.
Typically, our PAVER workshops include the following lessons:
Introduction PAVER 7 Training Course
Workshop 1. Installing PAVER 7 and Managing Your Database
Workshop 2. Moving Around PAVER 7
Workshop 3. Using the Inventory Module
Workshop 4. Work History
Workshop 5. Entering Condition Data
Workshop 6. Generating Reports and Charts
Workshop 7. Generating Prediction Models
Workshop 8. Developing Maintenance Policies
Workshop 9. Developing Major Rehabilitation Policies and Prioritization Guidelines
Workshop 10. Running a Condition Analysis
Workshop 11. Running a Needs Analysis
Workshop 12. Using the Wizards Module
Workshop 13. Using the Visual Menu
Workshop 14. GIS Assignment Tool

National Highway Institute Course Development and Delivery
For over 13 years, we have worked with National Highway Institute to develop and deliver the latest in transportation training. This includes:
NHI 131139 Constructing and Inspecting Asphalt Paving Projects
NHI 134063 Maintenance Leadership Academy
NHI 134112 Principles and Practices of Enhanced Maintenance Management Systems
NHI 136106A An Introduction to Transportation Asset Management with Workshop
NHI 136106B Developing a Transportation Asset Management Plan
NHI 136002 Financial Planning for Transportation Asset Management
Participants consistently rate these courses highly, expressing appreciation for the quality of the content and the instructors.

Airports Consultants Council Trainings and Workshops
The Airport Consultants Council (ACC), founded in 1978, is an international association created to advance airport consulting, represent the interests of airport consultant firms, and bring together experts of the aviation industry. Applied Pavement Technology, Inc. (APTech) has been involved with the ACC since the inception of the company in 1994.
Since 2003, APTech staff have developed and conducted workshops and classes for the ACC, including Techniques for Airfield Pavement Maintenance, Repair, & Rehabilitation and Airport Pavement Design & Evaluation. The Airport Pavement Design & Evaluation Workshop has been held once to twice a year in various locations across the United States, assisted by senior Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) staff. Professionals who enroll in the course include airport engineers and designers, airport maintenance and operations staff, pavement design and repair consultants, FAA staff, and aircraft manufacturers.
In recent years, the pavement design class has expanded into the Airport Pavement Design, Evaluation, and Analysis Workshop and it is regularly updated to reflect changes in the FAA’s pavement design advisory circular, FAARFIELD (the FAA’s associated pavement design software), and COMFAA (their Pavement Classification Number calculation software).

AAAE Pavement Maintenance and Evaluation Workshop
Since 2013, together with the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) and Delta Airports Consultants, Inc., Applied Pavement Technology, Inc. (APTech) has provided the lead instructor for the Airport Pavement Maintenance and Evaluation Workshop. This workshop provides information needed to:
Establish an effective airport pavement management and maintenance program,
Understand the performance of pavements and how to evaluate them,
Identify the characteristics of a good pavement management and maintenance program, and
Learn the current repair techniques used in the industry.
The workshop also helps airport officials make informed decisions about the maintenance of their pavements and address special considerations such as minimizing impacts on users, maximizing airport safety, and adapting to their local operating environments. The format of the workshop provides a forum that allows attendees to network with industry colleagues on common pavement maintenance challenges and address issues appropriate to both general aviation and air carrier airports.
National Highway Institute Course 134063, Maintenance Leadership Academy
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) sponsored the development of National Highway Institute (NHI) Course 134063, Maintenance Leadership Academy to assist state, district, and county highway maintenance departments in training new pavement maintenance supervisors. The course consists of a 5-week, blended learning training program that includes instructor-led classroom training, independent study, and web-based training modules. The course prepares personnel for a future in the highway maintenance field by developing practical decision-making skills in six crucial areas, including maintenance administration, pavement and bridge preservation, roadside maintenance and drainage, weather-related operations, traffic services, safety and work zones, and environmental protection.
APTech worked with the NHI to develop this course in 2010 and has been presenting the course since its creation. In 2014, and again in 2019, the NHI selected APTech to deliver Course 134063, Maintenance Leadership Academy due to APTech’s strong reputation as a leader in developing and delivering training materials that achieve course objectives. The APTech instructors consistently receive high ratings for the quality of instruction and have been awarded several Instructor of Excellence Awards from NHI.