Applied Pavement Technology, Inc.

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Great Employee and Greater Friend: APTech Celebrates Steve Seeds’ Retirement

Steve with a burger and fries, circa 2011.

What do you do when your career has spanned more than four decades and during that time you’ve made significant contributions to the following (among many) national initiatives?

  • Pavement design

  • Pavement performance modeling

  • Overlay design

  • Pavement drainage

  • Pavement cost models

Where do you go when you’ve already consulted with agencies across the country and around the world? And who do you turn to when you’ve already been mentored by, and worked with, such luminaries in the business as Fred Finn, Jon Epps, Frank McCullough, Gary Hicks, Paul Irick, and Ron Hudson? What do you do next when you’ve shared your time and knowledge with countless other co-workers? What is the answer? Maybe it’s to take a step back, work on more of your own projects, lower your handicap in golf, and spend time with your grandkids.

While Steve Seeds is retiring from APTech, we will continue our partnership through a different relationship. Steve will be working as a consultant to APTech on projects in which his continued support and technical expertise are needed to help address our clients’ needs. As only our third employee to “retire,” we’ll miss Steve and can’t thank him enough for his many contributions to APTech’s success and his dedication to the company for so many years.

“After working with two other pavement engineering companies prior to APTech, I can safely say, the grass doesn’t get greener anywhere else,” said Steve. “I feel very fortunate that David recruited me to join the firm back in 2000.”

Steve played an instrumental role in opening APTech’s Reno office and expanding our reach into the HOA market.

Steve’s Career at APTech

After several decades working for others in Texas, California, and Nevada, Steve joined APTech in January 2000 and quickly made contributions to the firm by opening and managing the Reno, Nevada office. During that time, Steve was instrumental in building APTech’s presence in the western United States and bringing in new clients in the homeowner’s association market.

Over his illustrious career, Steve has:

  • Played a major role in developing Part II of the 1986 AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures and in the development of the original AASHTO Pavement Design Software (DNPS86)

  • Served as Co-Principal Investigator in $15-million, full-scale, accelerated loading,  asphalt pavement test track (WesTrack)

  • Developed and presented countless training courses for the National Highway Institute and others

  • Developed Guidelines for Limiting Damage to Flexible Composite Pavements Due to the Presence of Water

  • Gathered qualitative and quantitative data for the Washington State DOT’s pavement preservation and pavement management practices

  • Co-authored the Handbook for Pavement Design, Construction, and Management

As younger engineers continued to join APTech, Steve served as friend and mentor, cementing his impact on the future of pavement engineering.

“From day one, Steve had a willingness to pass his knowledge to the younger staff and he always did it with a smile on his face. His mentorship and trust allowed me to be the engineer I am today, but most importantly, I found a friend that I could turn to at any given moment. I will forever be grateful for the time Steve and I have worked together and look forward to many more years of sharing large meals and long conversations.” Luis Sibaja, P.E. Pavement Engineer in the Reno office.

Steve was a valued member of APTech for much more than his engineering acumen. Many of his coworkers have enjoyed his company and his hospitality, not to mention the ski trips, wine tastings, and the 30-mile wilderness hike in Yosemite National Park that he organized.

A few of APTech’s engineers stop for a quick photo during their 30-mile hike in Yosemite National Park that Steve organized. From left: Steve, Mark Gardner, Luis Sibaja, Greg Duncan, and David Peshkin.

What Comes Next?

Steve and his wife, Shawn, moved into their mountain home near Virginia City 4 years ago and plan to continue their country lifestyle for years to come.  Although Steve is retiring from APTech, he will serve as an on-call consultant, allowing for his pavement engineering expertise to continue to be utilized. As both coworker and friend, he’ll be missed in the usual meetings and around the Reno office. However, we’re proud of his accomplishments and look forward to seeing what his next chapter entails.

If you have any questions about this transition or would like to discuss your ongoing or upcoming projects, please feel free to reach out to APTech Vice President David Peshkin.

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Steve and wife Shawn, enjoying retirement on the porch of their mountain home.