Maggie Covalt Serves as Panel Member for Research Involving Automated Pavement Condition Survey Practices at Airports

An airplane landing on a runway at sunset.

Giving back to the civil engineering community is important to many at APTech. For Vice President Maggie Covalt, P.E., this includes serving as a panel member on the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP)’s research projects.

Her latest panel, Automated Pavement Condition Survey Practices at Airports, is investigating and documenting airport practices, challenges, and lessons learned in conducting automated pavement data collection surveys at participating airports. As the use of automated data collection becomes ever more prevalent, it becomes just as important to establish guidance on best practices regarding the emerging technology. Serving on this panel keeps Maggie—and the rest of APTech—at the forefront of these innovations in pavement engineering and surveying.

The panel met this week in Washington, D.C. to review the draft synthesis, which includes case studies of automated data collection, examples of integrating data into pavement management systems, and efforts needed for reporting pavement conditions.

“I find the exchange of ideas and the ability to hear and better understand issues from different perspectives very valuable,” Maggie said about serving on the panel. “Participating in this allows me to interact with experts from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), airports, educational institutions, and more.”

Over the years, APTech staff members have served on many panels for the ACRP and its sister program, the National Cooperative Highway Research Program. By offering both our years of experience and knowledge gained in pavement engineering to these programs, staff members have made invaluable contributions to the ever-expanding body of pavement-related research.

Learn more about APTech’s own automated pavement condition data collection vehicle, EDGE, as well as our many airport pavement management services.
