Staying Up to Date, APTech Staff to Attend and Speak at the First AAAE Airport Operations and Technology Symposium

Downtown San Antonio at sunset

Downtown San Antonio at sunset.


The way airports manage their assets and operations is continuously evolving with technology advancements. To assist airport industry airport professionals, the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) determined a symposium should take place to discuss these changes. From September 7 to 9, the first AAAE Airport Operations and Technology Symposium will be taking place in San Antonio, Texas. This event will include multiple panels and speakers, including APTech’s Vice President and Chief Engineer, David Peshkin, P.E., serving as a panel member.

David’s panel, titled Breakout Session 6A: Getting the Most from Your Pavement Maintenance Programs, takes place on September 8 from 1:30-2:30 p.m. This discussion will examine the significant amount of airport funding devoted to pavement management and rehabilitation. Different strategies and methods—including the use of drones—will be outlined to maximize the useful life of pavements through more effective maintenance programs.

“Our recent work has shown us that new technologies, including Small Unmanned Aircraft System (sUAS) surveys of pavement conditions, will play a growing role in the airport environment,” said David. “I’m looking forward to discussions with airports about their interest in such technologies as well as with other consultants and vendors who are promoting their use.”

Through the course of the event, discussions will be held on a variety of topics, including:

  • Airport Operations and Safety

  • Emergency Management

  • Emerging Aviation Technology

  • Geospatial Technologies

In addition to David, APTech is also sending our Technology Services Manager, Trent Montgomery, and IT Engineer, Christian Khachaturian to the event to sit in on multiple panels over the course of the three days.

“I’m looking to expand my knowledge of innovative processes that could be implemented at APTech,” said Trent. In addition, Christian said, “I’m excited to hear more about the evolving and advancing technology applications for drones, and how they’re are being used in the pavement engineering industry.”

Head over to our IDEA or EDGE pages to learn more about some of APTech’s innovative technologies and practices.