About the Project

Project Details


Iowa Statewide


October 2022 to Ongoing (estimated completion August 2027)


Airport Pavement Management


  • Pavement construction work history review
  • Airport network definition and mapping
  • PCI inspections
  • PAVER updates
  • M&R planning
  • IDEA updates
  • Project reports
  • PCN calculations (previous project cycles)

Project Experts

Principal-In-Charge: Maggie Covalt, P.E.
Project Manager: Laura Raczkowski, P.E.
Lead Engineer: Monika Fisher, P.E.

The Iowa DOT’s Modal Transportation Bureau has been proactive in managing the pavements at Iowa airports since the early 1990s, and in 1997, the Modal Transportation Bureau became APTech’s first state airport pavement management client. Due to its satisfaction with APTech, the Modal Transportation Bureau continued to select the APTech team to conduct its APMS updates on several projects spanning from 2003 to 2027.

The project is divided into three phases. APTech inspects approximately one-third of the system’s National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems (NPIAS) airports during each phase, with non-NPIAS airports typically inspected less frequently. During the most recent update, APTech is compiling systems inventory information provided by the Modal Transportation Bureau and updating network definition and associated airport CAD maps. The APTech team is also completing PCI inspections, updating and customizing the PAVER database, and developing M&R plans for preserving the pavement infrastructure. Additionally, APTech is developing individual airport and statewide pavement management reports. Previous updates have also included PCN determinations for runways at the project airports.

During each project, APTech updates the Modal Transportation Bureau’s interactive data visualization tool, IDEA, which provides access to the most requested pavement management information without requiring the user to obtain and operate the pavement management system. APTech has also conducted webinars on the use of IDEA and periodically provides presentations at Iowa Public Airports Association Conferences on topics related to the APMS.