Project Details


Wisconsin Statewide


Ongoing (estimated completion 2026)


Airport Pavement Management

Project Experts

Principal-In-Charge: Maggie Covalt, P.E.
Project Manager: Kyle Potvin, P.E.
Lead Engineer: Jordan Hoekwater, P.E.

About the Project

After establishing an airport pavement management system (APMS) in the early 1980’s, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Bureau of Aeronautics (BOA) decided in 2009 that it was no longer utilizing valuable APMS data to its fullest extent. In addition, it was using a proprietary APMS software program that was no longer fulfilling its needs. Therefore, in 2009, the BOA selected APTech to modernize its APMS and update the pavement inventory and condition data contained in the system. The goal of this project was to maximize the usefulness of the APMS for all users of the information including the BOA, airport sponsors, consultants, and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Building on the success of the previous project, the BOA selected APTech to conduct the 2012 to 2018, 2019 to 2022, and most recently the 2023 to 2026 Wisconsin APMS Updates, which now totals ninety-one airports.

Our work for this project includes:

  • For the initial project, converting the original APMS database from a proprietary software system to one utilizing the PAVER pavement management software

  • Conducting pavement condition index (PCI) inspections for approximately one-third of the state APMS each year over a 3-year period

  • Updating the PAVER database with pavement inventory data, construction history information, project mapping, PCI data, and analysis criteria.

  • Completing a 5-year pavement maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R) needs analysis for existing pavements included in the project

  • Developing a GIS link network definition maps to the data contained within PAVER

  • Assisting with the incorporation of specific APMS data into the BOA’s external GIS

  • Conducting structural evaluation through falling-weight deflectometer testing

  • Calculating pavement classification numbers (PCNs), as needed, for all commercial airport runways, multiple taxiway and apron areas, and several general aviation airports in the system

  • Preparing individual airport reports

  • Developing the Wisconsin IDEA for use by all stakeholders

The APMS allows the BOA to proactively manage the M&R needs of the pavement infrastructure at Wisconsin airports in the most fiscally responsible manner possible. It provides the BOA with the means to anticipate pavement-related funding needs and provides airports with the information needed to remain in compliance with Public Law 103-305 and FAA grant assurance 11 regarding a pavement maintenance management program.