Applied Pavement Technology, Inc.

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APTech Makes the LEAP with DSC & Community Choices

As an ongoing commitment to its culture and diversity, APTech recently underwent Leaders in Employing All People (LEAP) training with Community Choices and the Developmental Services Center (DSC). This training, completed by our Human Resources Manager Mr. Mark Sherbeyn, officially places APTech on the list of over 150 businesses that have completed LEAP training in Champaign County.

“As society continues to make more inclusive strides, the way we employ must follow in its footsteps. LEAP is truly a reflection of our APTech culture. Diverse, inclusive and opportunity-producing,” said Mark. “Ms. Maggie Baker and the LEAP training team puts on a valuable event for any hiring or training-related frontline staff member.”

Started in 2015, the LEAP program is a collaboration between DSC and Community Choices to educate Champaign County employers about the benefits of disability-inclusive employment. As a result, this program increases work opportunities for jobseekers with disabilities and enhances resources for employer frontline staff.

LEAP Certified Employers training covers general disability education topics including:

  • Implicit bias regarding employees with disabilities.

  • Job coaching and coworker support.

  • Rights and workplace accommodations.

  • Language and etiquette.

  • Customer relations.

  • Financial benefits and brand awareness.

The LEAP & frontline staff trainings are currently free for all businesses in Champaign County, and can be done virtually or in-person. For more information, please visit the DSC website.

Learn more about APTech’s culture and career opportunities.