Seeking Out Innovation: APTech Team Members Attend Minnesota DOT’s Open House

Keeping up with innovative engineering technologies is key to APTech’s success.

APTech Pavement Engineer Prashant Ram, P.E. and Vice President Kurt Smith, P.E. recently accepted an invitation to join the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT), the National Road Research Alliance (NRRA), and material suppliers and contractors for an open house held at the Minnesota Road (MnROAD) Research Facility. This special event highlighted new research efforts and products being tested at MnROAD that improve the environmental sustainability of concrete pavements.

Prashant taking a selfie at the test cell construction site.

“This project is a great step forward towards more sustainable pavements. The test cells at MnROAD are being constructed using a variety of paving mixtures featuring carbon sequestering products and alternative cementitious and pozzolanic materials, which can help contribute to a carbon-neutral future.”

— Prashant Ram, P.E.,
Pavement Engineer

Over the course of this event, both Prashant and Kurt attended several presentations on the NRRA sustainability initiatives. These topics included highlights from material suppliers on improved sustainability from new and emerging products being used in concrete pavement construction. The event was capped off by a tour of the new test sections.

Two workers are smoothing out poured concrete on a newly constructed roadway.

Pavement construction at a test cell on MnROAD Mainline – Interstate 94 featuring a carbon-sequestering concrete mixture.