APTech Engineers Recognized as NHI Instructors of Excellence

Brad Allen, P.E. and Greg Duncan, P.E., both senior engineers at APTech, are recipients of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) National Highway Institute’s (NHI) Instructors of Excellence award for fiscal year 2019.

Brad Allen, P.E.

Brad Allen, P.E.

Greg Duncan, P.E.

Greg Duncan, P.E.

This distinction serves as testament to Brad and Greg’s hard work and dedication. They make their student’s learning experience both enjoyable and rewarding — and reflect APTech’s overall commitment to offering the best asset management and pavement training experience possible.

They join a distinguished group of NHI Instructors of Excellence, including APTech’s Katie Zimmerman, who:

  • possess superior instructional skills and advanced subject matter knowledge,

  • achieved a rating of at least 4.7 out of 5 on their course evaluations,

  • were endorsed by an NHI Instructor Development Course, and

  • achieved NHI’s Instructor Certification.

Brad and Greg — and all of APTech’s growing training team — look forward to helping the NHI meet the training needs of our evolving transportation workforce. Check out the NHI classes APTech delivers and bring one of our top-notch instructors to your agency.

Host a class in 2020 to enjoy NHI’s 50% off promotion on all courses!
