Applied Pavement Technology, Inc.

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Community Needs: APTech’s Local Municipalities Director to Attend Texas Chapter of APWA

From June 13 to June 15, the Texas chapter of American Public Works Association (APWA) is hosting the “Public Works Play by Play” annual conference and exhibition. The event is being hosted in Frisco, Texas with over 500 public works professionals attending, including APTech’s Mark Gardner, Local Municipalities and Private Agencies Director.

Currently, APTech is performing pavement management services for both airports and cities across Texas. “These folks care about their communities, I felt it was important to go and meet with the people we’re working with every day,” said Mark.

Some of these clients include Dallas Love Airfield, Jefferson County Jack Books Regional Airport, Fort Bend County, and the Cities of Bastrop and Northlake. Moreover, with project scopes producing asset management, research, data collection, and evaluation and design services, it was imperative that APTech have a local presence at this event. “These conferences provide a fun way for clients and colleagues to come together and learn and network with one another. As industry professionals, we get to better understand our clients and leave with new tools and resources we can implement to serve them better” Mark said.  

The APWA annual conference allows for public works professionals throughout Texas to unveil the newest equipment and technologies that are being used in the state. Additionally, it allows for educational sessions focused on public works issues to be conducted as well. Although APTech will not be presenting anything this year, we encourage attendees to take the time to talk with Mark about his recent project work throughout Texas.