Carrie Brown to deliver two sessions at NLTAPA
Join Carrie at NLTAPA as she talks about the intersection of transportation and public health.
From July 21 to July 25, the National Local Technical Assistance Program Association (NLTAPA) will host the National LTAP/TTAP Annual Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. For this event, APTech’s Carrie Brown, MSML, will be delivering two sessions during the weeklong conference. As APTech’s Program Director for both the Nevada Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) and Western Tribal Technical Assistance Program (TTAP), this conference will allow Carrie to share her expertise and learn about new and innovative ideas from other industry professionals.
Carrie’s first discussion takes place on Tuesday, July 23 from 9:00 to 9:30 a.m., in Track 2: Safety. The session, titled “Intro to Public Health and Transportation,” gives an overview of unintentional injuries through a public health lens and illustrates the connection between public health and transportation. The goal is for attendees to:
Name the leading causes of injury in U.S. populations.
Define public health.
Explain the public health approach.
Know the 4 Es of Safety.
Explain public health’s role in transportation.
Understand the benefits of using the public health approach in transportation.
Identify transportation and public health resources.
Following this discussion, Carrie will also be a panel member in the Track 3: Cultivating Relationships portion of the conference on Tuesday. This will take place from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. and is titled “Innovative Partnerships in Workforce Development.” Carrie will lead the discussion “Continuing to Thrive in a Changing Workforce,” and answer questions with the rest of the panelists. Topics she will cover include:
Challenges in the workforce and how they are connected.
Ways to adapt to a changing workforce through trends, human resources investments, and innovative solutions.
Case studies on non-traditional strategies that have worked for the transportation and construction industries.
When asked about the importance of this conference, Carrie had this to say: “I am privileged to speak among my peers at NLTAPA—it is important to look through diverse lenses and incorporate a multi-disciplinary approach when addressing transportation issues. Traditionally, engineering has taken the front seat in transportation and safety. There is so much we can do as a society, from influencing policy at the legislative level, to simple individual acts—like wearing your seatbelt—to make a difference in people’s lives. We honor our people by keeping them safe.”
Learn more about APTech’s work with the Nevada LTAP and Western TTAP.