Kyle Potvin presents at Louisiana Transportation Conference
Go see Kyle Potvin at the Louisiana Transportation Conference to learn more about what APTech’s work.
As part of our ongoing commitment to clients, State Airport Agencies Program Director Kyle Potvin, P.E. presented at the Louisiana Transportation Conference. Kyle’s presentation took place on Monday, March 13 and highlighted APTech’s work updating Louisiana’s latest Airport Pavement Management System (APMS), findings from the update, and a live demonstration of IDEA, APTech’s pavement management data visualization tool.
This presentation was part of Session 23: Elevating Aviation. Kyle assisted the Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development (DOTD) in sharing with stakeholders the importance of the APMS update. For example, APTech’s work showcased the DOTD’s ability to forecast future infrastructure needs to improve resiliency and economic growth. These concepts and more helped attendees understand important airport pavement details as well as the broader state of Louisiana’s airport pavement system.
Learn more about how APTech supports its clients through all stages of their airport pavement management needs.