Applied Pavement Technology, Inc.

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APTech Makes an Impact at 2022 AASHTO Committee on Maintenance Annual Meeting

APTech recently sent Vice President David Peshkin, P.E. and Senior Engineer Greg Duncan, P.E. to the American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) 2022 Committee on Maintenance (COM) Annual Meeting.

During their time there, David and Greg both presented findings on recent work. David gave an update to the Pavement Technical Working Group (TWG) on the Transportation Research Board Committee AKT30, Pavement Maintenance. David also spoke about his involvement with the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 565, which focused on pavement preservation and factors that affect project performance.

Greg gave a presentation to the Roadway and Roadsides TWG at AASHTO COM on NCHRP Project 23-08, Incorporating Maintenance Costs into a Transportation Asset Management Plan.

Meanwhile, Greg presented a summary on the NCHRP Project 23-08, Incorporating Maintenance Costs into a Transportation Asset Management Plan to the Roadway and Roadsides TWG. The NCHRP project was authored by APTech Senior Engineer Brad Allen, P.E., while Greg served as a subject matter expert. In addition, Greg was a panelist along with Laura Fay of Montana State University and Kevin Macvittie from Colorado DOT for A Panel Discussion – Recruitment, Retention, and Training. During this session, agencies shared innovative ways they are facing nationwide maintenance employee shortages and strategically developing leaders to serve in future performance-driven maintenance organizations.

“The firm has been involved with this committee for over 25 years now,” said David. “We’re proud of APTech’s contributions to advancing the art of pavement maintenance and we look forward every year to renewing friendships with maintenance colleagues from around the country.”

This event took place from July 23 to July 28 in Washington, D.C. AASHTO COM develops, maintains, and disseminates information through guidelines, manuals, specifications, and other resources. Their goal is to address maintenance, preservation, and operations of highways and assets that are under AASHTO member departments. For more information, visit their website.

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