Applied Pavement Technology, Inc.

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An APTech Asset: Katie Zimmerman to Present at the Tennessee DOT Operations Symposium

For many state agencies, the management of their assets plays an important role in their transportation needs. Acknowledging this, the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) has invited APTech’s Katie Zimmerman, P.E. to present on ancillary assets. This will be a part of the 2022 Tennessee Highway Safety and Operations Conference in Murfreesboro, which takes place on June 15 and ends on June 16.

APTech’s Executive Vice President, Katie Zimmerman, P.E. will be presenting at the 2022 Tennessee Highway Safety and Operations Conference in Murfreesboro.

Katie has earned a national reputation for her work in the use of asset management programs for pavements, bridges, and ancillary assets to improve decision-making in transportation agencies. She has published and presented countless papers on the subject and is passionate about her work. For this conference Katie’s presentation is aptly titled If You Snooze You Lose: Managing Your Ancillary Assets.

This session explores how asset management principles can be applied to other assets, such as buildings and fleet, to reduce maintenance costs without reducing the level of service. Since 2018, State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) have been documenting 10-year investment strategies for pavement and bridges in a Transportation Asset Management Plan. The investment strategies explain how DOTs will use cost-effective preservation treatments to preserve pavement and bridge conditions. Katie’s presentation showcases what others have learned and the importance in utilizing these findings.

“If there is one thing I’ve learned, it’s that small steps towards an asset management philosophy can make a big difference over the long run,” said Katie. “These discussions expand industry perspectives and help drive innovation.”

This presentation coincides directly with the conference’s goal, which is to bring together TDOT safety stakeholders and operation professionals to discuss how to keep Tennessee roads safe, efficient, and reliable. The conference allows leaders in the field to present strategies on better safety and operational practices to help improve the roads and highways throughout the state. At the conclusion of the event, attendees will be able to take knowledge gained back to their respective departments to continue to improve Tennessee roads and highways.